Saturday, December 28, 2019

Sir Thomas Wyatt s Defence - 935 Words

Sir Thomas Wyatt’s defence covered two major areas; the possible insulting of the king and conspiring with Catholics in a newly decided protestant country. His 1541 defence guards his actions on both parts, however due to the lack of historical evidence it is impossible to know if this defence was ever used, even if we do know he somehow did manage to get himself off the charges. Nevertheless, it offers great insight to the mind and feelings of an otherwise elusive and ambiguous historical figure. It is this, that being Wyatt writing about his own biography, that offers vital importance to his poetry, and more importantly his satires like ‘Myne Owne John Poyntz’. Through Wyatt’s own work we can examine the possible emotion, and tie it down to its own specific historical moment. Furthermore, this leads us to question the relationship between Wyatt and the king, Henry VIII. The alleged love triangle between them and Anne Boleyn might suggest more room for speculation on his defence and the general sentiments Wyatt might have that would lead him to, in a moment of high-emotion, blaspheme openly against the king. Indeed it is alluded to in ‘Myne Owne John Poyntz’, ‘I am not he that can allow the state/of his Caesar, and damn Cato to die’, that the king is, in Wyatt’s mind, a focus of great animosity. Classical allusion is, and remains to be, a traditional device for distancing oneself from the characters around you to directly criticise the climate of court or socialShow MoreRelatedSir Philip Sidney’s defence essay, â€Å"An apology for poetry,† refers to poetry â€Å"as an art of1900 Words   |  8 PagesSir Philip Sidney’s defence essay, â€Å"An apology for poetry,† refers to poetry â€Å"as an art of imitation [†¦] [that] speaks metaphorically† (Ferguson, Salter Stallworthy, 2005: 331). Sidney’s essay epitomises the pivitol importance and art of creating poetry. From the 1500’s to the 1660’s, England found itself a process of complete rebirth of all its important facets. Transformation in its social and cultural, as well as philosophical and religious approaches was evident. This transformational processRead MoreContracts and Negligence Assignment8955 Words   |  36 Pagesat the request of offerer. Durga Prasad v Baldeo (1880) It must move from the promisee. Dutton v Poole (1677) Tweddle v. Atkinson (1861) It must be sufficient. Thomas v Thomas (1842); Chappel v Nestle (1960). Cannot consist solely on sentiment value White v Bluett (1853) It must be legal that is not doing things that are immoral Wyatt v Kreglinger and Fernou (1933) Performance of existing duty that is, person carrying out duties that under general rules, they are required to do will not provideRead MoreLiterary Group in British Poetry5631 Words   |  23 Pagesprestige, and in 1362 it replaced French and Latin in Parliament and courts of law. It was with the 14th century that major works of English literature began once again to appear; these include the so-called Pearl Poets Pearl, Patience, Cleanness, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight; Langlands political and religious allegory Piers Plowman; Gowers Confessio Amantis; and, of course, the works of Chaucer, the most highly regarded English poet of the Middle Ages, who was seen by his contemporaries as

Friday, December 20, 2019

Josh Lyon. Mrs. Voshell. Honors English 10. 6 January 2017.

Josh Lyon Mrs. Voshell Honors English 10 6 January 2017 Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter Within The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne uses symbolism, â€Å"the use of symbols to represent ideas† (Bell 10), affluently. The amount of symbolism Hawthorne uses could lead some to believe that The Scarlet Letter is in fact an allegory. Nearly every object in Hawthorne’s novel is symbolic. Hawthorne uses everyday objects and places to symbolize many main themes, concepts, and ideas in the lives of Hester and Pearl as well as multiple other main characters. Hester Prynne, the protagonist of the novel, is a symbol for human morality and the frailty therein. In the second chapter, when the townswomen are gossiping about Hester’s scandal, one of the women, who is†¦show more content†¦In this way Chillingworth is a symbol for torture and punishment as well as revenge. Chillingworth wants to bring his vengeance upon the paramour of Hester. This motive is reinforced when Chillingworth states â€Å"His fame, his position, his life will be in my hands. Beware!† (Hawthorne 86). Once Roger Chillingworth had found the good reverend they were living in the same house, as Chillingworth was Arthur Dimmesdale’s physician. Chillingworth had his suspicions about the minister, but when he was certain Dimmesdale was the father to Hester’s child he began to torment Dimmesdale more than ever. Hawthorne writes of Chillingworth’s thoughts â€Å"He could play upon him as he chose.Would he arouse him with a throb of agony?...Would he startle him with sudden fear?† (Hawthorne 155) Pearl is Hester s and Dimmesdale’s daughter. She also symbolizes her mother’s sin. When Hester takes Pearl to Governor Bellingham, Dimmesdale says in Hester’s defense â€Å"...for a retribution too; a torture to be ever-recurring forcibly reminding us of that red symbol which sears her bosom?† (Hawthorne 126). By this Dimmesdale means that Hester can never forget her sin because Pearl will always be there as a constant reminder of Hester’s past. When at the Governor’s mansion we can see Governor Billingham as he symbolizes purity as well as law and order. The Reverend Wilson can also symbolize purity and law, as there was little to no separation of

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Environmental Causes free essay sample

Environmental Causes BY 1193 Air Quality: Air pollution contamination of the environment by any chemical, physical or biological agent Mostly affected by transportation pollution result from incomplete combustion of fuel How to know how air pollution is affecting people? From hospitals X% of respiratory diseases affected from air pollution. This percentage is standard given from US research but has correction factors Causes of Air pollution: 1. Natural Sources: a. Forest fires b. Dust storms c. Climate conditions 2. Antropogenic Sources: l. Economic: A. Transport (public/private cars, military cars, aircrafts boats) B. Energy (power plants, private generators, gas stations) C. Industry (manufacturing processes) D. Other economic activities (agriculture, construction/quarries) II. Oher Sources: A. Accidental fires B. Fireworks C. Burning tires D. Wars E. Open dumping/burning Car fleet in Leb estimated to 1. 2 million.. 1 vehicle for every 4 people 15% annual increase in vehicle registration. Many vehicles operate illegally (no license) Energy industries: one of largest contributor to air pollution in Lebanon Stacks/chimney not quipped with effective treatment units (largest producer of C02 emissions) 4033 large industries, around 20000 industrial establishments in Lebanon overall 50% of industries in Lebanon not licensed Large industries generate combustion and process emissions. We will write a custom essay sample on Environmental Causes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Zouk Mikael/Zouk Mosbeh most polluting industries Most critical industries: cement industry and phospho-gypsum industry. 5 cement plants in Leb) Technology: replacing power generation plants improve energy efficiency and reduce harmful emissions Lebanon imports around 97% of energy needs Most severe environmental disaster Jiyeh power plant oil spill Six principal sources of primary energy: 1) Imported hydrocarbon fuels in liquid 2) Imported hydrocarbon fuels in gaseous form 3) Imported electricity 4) Locally produced hydroelectricity 5) Biomass 6) Alternative energy Main impacts: a. Degradation of natural habitats b. Gaseous Fugitive Emissions (GFE) (venting, evaporation) c. Cargo spillage d. Ballast unloading (Ballast water contains hydrocarbons as well as sewage from tanker ships) e. Sludge accumulation in storage tanks How much does a low income household pay? a. Limited income household consuming 2200 kWhr Imo pay $5. 6 of direct charges and $9 of indirect charges b. Cost of the consumed kWhr multiplied by 2. 5 In 2007, 61% of all residences in Lebanon equipped with private generators Energy consuming sectors: buildings , transport, industry and others

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Passenger Satisfaction of Singapore Airlines-Samples for Students

Question: Investigate satisfaction of passengers using Singapore airlines about their personal experience with the journey and other aspects. Answer: Rationale for the research design The research design includes the research philosophy, research approach, research design, method, and investigation. Research philosophy includes positivism, realism, and interpretivism. This current study will take positivism philosophy. Positivism philosophy focuses on the collection of scientific data. Factual knowledge is the main part of positivism philosophy (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). By using this philosophy the researcher will be able to gain data through observation and measurement. However, during the use of positivism philosophy, there are some limitations while collecting data. By using positivism philosophy the researcher will be able to carry out a quantifiable observation and statistical analysis. On the other hand, this current study is based on the deductive approach. Creation of the hypothesis is the major aspect of deductive approach (Choy, 2014). Deductive approach is useful to evaluate the relationship between the variables and the concepts (Mackey Gass, 2015). Therefore, the deductive approach helps the researcher to generalize the current research findings. In this current research study, the descriptive design will be used as the research design. Descriptive research design includes a set of research objectives and research questions. Therefore, the research problem is clearly defined by the descriptive design. This current study deals with the passengers satisfaction in Singapore Airline, which can be analyzed by using this research design. In this current study quantitative process will be used to collect primary data. To conduct the quantitative process market survey will be carried out in this research method. Discussion of specific research methodology This current study includes both primary and secondary research methods. Primary method includes quantitative process. To conduct the quantitative process a market survey will be taken to gather feedback from the customers of Singapore Airline. This survey will be helpful to measure the satisfaction level of the passengers in Singapore Airline, which is the primary question of this research study. Survey will help the researcher to identify the areas that are required to improve to enhance the customer satisfaction level in this organization. Hence, survey will enable the researcher to meet the primary and secondary questions of this current study. Survey is an effective method to get real-time data during the investigation (Lewis, 2015). By analyzing the customer feedbacks the Singapore Airline will be able to make necessary changes to improve the level of customer satisfaction. This also meets the research objective as from the current feedbacks this organization will be able to fi nd out the way to improve the customer satisfaction in their organization. Questionnaires will be provided via online to gather the feedback from the customers of Singapore Airline. Secondary research is also important besides the primary research as it provides authentic evidence regarding an issue to the researcher (Flick, 2015). In this study, secondary research will be conducted during the literature review. Census report, academic journals, authentic websites, and books will be used to collect data on customer satisfaction level in Singapore Airport. Hence, both the secondary sources and primary sources are valuable to meet the research objectives and questions Rationale for the research methodology Primary method will be used in this current study, which is helpful to gain realistic data. However, during the collection of primary data survey questionnaires will be provided to the candidates to understand their perspectives. However, often the candidates provide diplomatic answers, which can hamper the data collection process. The main reason of primary research is to obtain real-time data as real-time data gives the current status of an organization in the market (Silverman, 2016). For Singapore Airline survey will be helpful to understand the current satisfaction level of the passengers as well as their concerns regarding the service. On the other hand, the main reason of the secondary data collection is to review the previous status of the Singapore airline industry and current views regarding the service. This information will be collected through the authentic websites and the journals. By using the marginal probability in payoff matrix information will be collected from th e census report. Discussion of the key consideration of the research methodology After conducting the entire methodology the research will be concerned about the process of publication. One of the major considerations is the protection of data that needs to follow during the primary research (Panneerselvam, 2014). However, the researcher has to keep confidentiality while gathering data through survey. For this purpose Data Protection Act needs to be followed. Therefore, the researcher has no right to force the candidates to involve in the survey. The personal data of the candidates should be protected. No personal questions can be generated during the survey. These elements should be considered during the conduction of primary research methodology. On the other hand, in the context of secondary research the data cannot be manipulated and proper citation should be done properly. The data needs to represent in its original process. Discussion of the information that needs to collect by the market research agencies This current research is based on the investigation of passenger satisfaction level in Singapore Airline. Hence, the market research agency needs to collect the feedback from the passengers regarding the current service process of this organization. Therefore, the major loopholes of the current system will be collected to identify the gap of the service. The disadvantages of the current system in Singapore Airline needs to evaluated to take proper action against these issues. The market agency will collect the information regarding the pricing strategy, quality and boundaries of the Singapore Airline as these are the major concerns of the passengers. On the other hand, the current expectation of the customers from the Singapore Airline will be identified by this agency. The primary data will be represented and analyzed by using graphs, charts, and table. The secondary data will be represented by using proper citation. Critical evaluation will be made during the analysis of the second ary data in this current research study. Finally, it has been found that for the current research both primary and secondary sources will be helpful to analyze the current issues and to develop suitable recommendations to mitigate such issues. References Choy, L. T. (2014). The strengths and weaknesses of research methodology: Comparison and complimentary between qualitative and quantitative approaches.IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science,19(4), 99-104. Flick, U. (2015).Introducing research methodology: A beginner's guide to doing a research project. Sage. Lewis, S. (2015). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches.Health promotion practice,16(4), 473-475. Mackey, A., Gass, S. M. (2015).Second language research: Methodology and design. Routledge. Panneerselvam, R. (2014).Research methodology. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.. Silverman, D. (Ed.). (2016).Qualitative research. Sage. Taylor, S. J., Bogdan, R., DeVault, M. (2015).Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sample Chapter free essay sample

Advertising communicates and influences people. It encourages, persuades and manipulates the viewers, readers and listeners or even groups. It drives the behavior of consumers’ tastes and desires in choosing particular product and services. We will write a custom essay sample on Sample Chapter or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Advertising happens in many different ways. But most of the products were advertised on television because of its various senses being practiced. And in that matter the audience will be able to learn and inform more easily. Advertisers use many different techniques to get people to notice there adverts. Some advertisements used the popularity of a person, for example, they tend to hire artist for endorsing products so that viewers will easily fall to grab the said product. Television advertisement has a great impact when it comes to decision making and lifestyle of the students of the University of Batangas. They really choose the product that is fit and acceptable to their taste. Sometimes patronizing and endorsing can also change their choices of product and services. Some students tend to buy the product being patronize for them to recognize the group and strengthen the sense of belongingness. These observations are based on the survey conducted to undertake the present study. Every individual is easily attracted to those colorful advertisements on TV showcasing their products, companies, etc. , trying to capture viewers and infecting their minds into buying their product and services. It gives familiarity to an individual and it provides information about the product and services they can offer with their own advertising strategies into selling to the market. People are usually led astray by these advertisements forcing them to purchase wants which are not very necessary. In this study, the researchers have focused on shampoo advertising. They use celebrities to fuel aspirations among potential users and would simply start with graphic portrayals of shiny lustrous hair with the brands catchline which is used to emphasize the look and health of hair due to the nourishing action of Pro V. The stress, as always, was on the product and the crucial â€Å"moment of confirmation†, where the visuals show damaged hair being rendered healthy and shiny through shampoo usage. Advertising that is creatively executed helps the brand to break the clutter and build strong impact in the target market. It is very obvious that the products under competition have similar function and benefits but it should still have differences which can give the consumer a satisfaction and an aid to stay and buy the product. And they have different ways how their product will communicate to the public. Selected shampoo advertisements such as Pantene, Palmolive, Sunsilk and Rejoice are the main attention of this study since these are the brands mostly aired on television. The researchers have come up with the study because they believe that shampoo advertisements should be given consideration since it really brings an intensive impact to the society. Theoretical Framework The re-conceptualizing of the audience is clearly articulated in uses and gratifications theory. This study is anchored on the uses and gratification theory of Katz, E (1959) that deals with the effect of people on the media. The theory describes mass communication, as it provides an approach that is audience-centered. It deals with how and why people adopt specific media to satisfy their needs. The theory places more focus on consumer, or audience, instead of the actual message itself by asking â€Å"what people do with media† rather than â€Å"what media does to people. † It assumes that members of the audience are not passive but take an active role in interpreting and integrating media into their own lives. The theory also holds that audience is responsible for choosing media to meet their needs. The approach suggests that people use the media to fulfill specific gratifications. This theory would then imply that the media compete against other information sources for viewers’ gratification. For example, television advertise a particular product the viewer/s consumer will have an idea about it and the tendency to buy and the quality of advertisement will excel by the means of how percent of people patronize the products. . In this theory states the benefits of one to another. Statement of the Problem This research aimed to assess the implications of selected shampoo advertisements on the buying behavior of AB students of the University of Batangas. Specifically, the research sought to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of following: 1. 1. age; 1. 2. course; 1. 3. year level; and 2. What are the shampoo brands bought by the respondents? 3. How often do the respondents buy the shampoo brands? 4. How often are the respondents exposed to television shampoo commercials? 5. To what extent do the shampoo advertisements affect the respondents’ buying behaviour? Significance of the Study Today, a large number teenagers and student with various group, gender, educational level are seeing advertisement on various television medium and on habits, living has a broader impact. Thus, the researcher believed that after this study the student will be able to; a. Recognize how television advertisement affects their social interaction with their group, b. Educate and gain deeper understanding of advertising consequences and effects, c. Know the relevance of advertising in shaping the society To the future researcher – the result of this study would provide them the relevant information needed in accomplishing future studies and concerns. Scope, Limitation and Delimitation of the Study This study encompasses the entire range implications of selected shampoo advertisements on the buying behavior of Female AB students of the University of Batangas, AY 2013-2014. It also focuses on identifying the profile of the respondents as regard to their age, gender, course, year level and monthly family income; the shampoo brands commonly bought by the respondents; how frequent the respondents buy shampoo; how often are the respondents exposed to television shampoo commercials; and the extent of shampoo commercials that affect the respondents’ buying behavior as consumers in terms of brand’s popularity, endorser’s influence, price of the shampoo brand, package design of the shampoo brand, message presented by the advertisement, advertisement’s creative execution and presence of values, attitudes, and lifestyles of the audience. This research study consisted of 126 respondents from AB students of the University of Batangas. It intended to evaluate and scrutinize the results of the respondents from the items raised in the researcher-made questionnaire. This study is limited to the response of the viewers on shampoo advertisements and its involvement to the respondents. On the other hand, the researchers did not incorporate the other television advertisement, but rather concentrated or focused on shampoo advertisements. It did not also include the technical aspects of advertising in its broad meaning. Definition of Terms To ensure better understanding of the study, the following terms were defined according to their textual and optional meaning; Advertisement – This pertains to something (such as a short film or a written notice) that is shown or presented to the public to help sell a product or to make an announcement. Attitude – This refers to a learned tendency to behave in a consistently favorable or unfavorable manner with respect to a given object, idea, person, or situation. Buying behavior – (also known as consumer behavior) is the process involved when individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products or services, ideas, or experiences to satisfy needs and wants. Brand – This refers to the name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one sellers product distinct from those of other sellers. Consumers – This is a person or group of people, such as a household, who are the final users of products or services. The consumers use is final in the sense that the product is usually not improved by the use Creative execution – This refers to the manner in which an advertising appeal is carried out or presented. A particular advertising appeal can be executed in a variety of ways and a particular means of execution can be applied to a variety of advertising appeals. Endorser – This is a person who may or may not be users of a particular product or service that may lend their names to advertisements for such products or services for a fee. Lifestyles – This pertains to the non-demographic characteristics of people when describing their behavior, such as recreational habits. Value – These are shared beliefs among group members as to what behaviors are desirable and non-desirable. Television – TV, the abbreviation for television is a telecommunication device used to transmit moving visual media. It became popular in the mid-twentieth century as a medium for entertainment. â€Å"TV† may also refer to the physical device. Televisions are used to view various subscription based programming, movies (via an additional media player), and recent models can also be used as computer monitors. Television advertisement – This refers to the use of commercial advertisements as a means of promoting a companys products or services through the television. It can be done on cable TV, national TV or the local stations. The concept behind it is to bring advertising commercials, production and campaigns to TV viewers in between their favourite programs as this is set to get their attention. Successful TV advertising is witty, thoughtful short and straight to the point.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Soda essays

Soda essays Soda, pop, seltzer, tonic, sparkling water - these are all names for carbonated drink, more commonly known as soft drink. It is the latest trend in beverages today. Almost every individual consumes this type of drink thinking that it quenches their thirst because of its unique taste. But little do they know that this beverage subtly destroys them. The production and consumption of carbonated drinks should be minimized because it can lead to health problems or in worst case, death. Soft drinks are extremely acidic which may lead to certain health disorders. These sodas contain phosphoric and carbonic acids, two substances that can corrode almost anything when ingested in pure amounts. Phosphoric acid is diluted to become nontoxic and is usually mixed with carbonated drinks to give its characteristic sour taste. Scientific studies reveal that elevated levels of phosphates eliminate essential vitamins and minerals from the body, leading to an abnormality when life processes (digestion, respiration, etc) are carried out. Also, a severe lack of minerals can lead to heart disease (lack of magnesium), osteoporosis (lack of calcium), and many other diseases. Moreover, these drinks can wear away the enamel of the teeth which may cause tooth decay and may result to further dental problems. Imagine the digestive tract as a rusty car bumper. When sodas are poured in the bumper, the rust is immediately removed. This is what these drinks really do to our body. Carbonated drinks are mainly composed of distilled water, some additives, and a large amount of refined sugar. This means that these beverages just add calories and thus makes one gain weight. But is shifting to diet soft drinks the solution? Probably not. The fact is that diet carbonated drinks contain aspartame, an artificial low-calorie sweetener. Although aspartame does not add up the calories, it makes one feel hungrier and crave for more food. In add ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Intgratinh Information and Communication Technology (ICT) effectively Literature review

Intgratinh Information and Communication Technology (ICT) effectively into the early childhood education learning environment - Literature review Example Pre-schoolers are relatively young in terms of age. Therefore, it is necessary to closely examine the positive and negative impact of using ICT in early childhood education. To gain better understanding behind the need to incorporate the use of ICT in early childhood education, it is necessary to first discuss its importance followed by identifying useful ways on how the pre-school teachers can effectively integrate or implement the use of ICT within the early childhood education environment. Importance of Using ICT in Early Childhood Education There are many reasons as to why the New Primary Curriculum requires the need to incorporate the use of ICT in early childhood education. For instance, Can-Yasar et al. (2012) mentioned that it is necessary to expose children on how to use technology at an early age to prepare them with the use of a wide-range of technology in higher education. Furthermore, the act of early exposing children with the use of technology can somehow positively af fect their mental development and long-term motivation to learn (Can-Yasar et al., 2012; Celebi-Oncu, 2010). ICT can be used to expand each child’s knowledge. ... only their social-affective development but also their language, social-affective development, psychomotor skills (Can-Yasar et al., 2012; Celebi-Oncu, 2010; Forcier and Descy, 2008). In the process of allowing the pre-school students to develop a sense of belongingness inside the classroom, allowing them to use technology in learning will provide them with unlimited opportunity to work and learn collaboratively with other students (Forcier and Descy, 2008; Stephen and Plowman, 2008). Since the pre-school children will learn how to control their emotions and behavior in class, gaining friends will help these children gain both self-confidence and self-respect (Stephen and Plowman, 2008). Lastly, the use of ICT products in teaching can encourage the pre-school students to move their eyes and hands in coordination with their other body parts help them improve their motor and overall physiological development (Celebi-Oncu, 2010). Therefore, the use of ICT has been considered as a very p owerful learning tool in early years. Strategic Ways on How to Effectively Integrate or Implement ICT in Early Childhood Educational Learning Environment Constructivism means that each child plays a significant role in â€Å"constructing enw knowledge† (Lake and Jones, 2012, p. 164). As a constructivist approach to early education, play is defined as â€Å"a meaningful activity that children choose to participate in, that involves children in physical, cognitive, and communicative efforts in social and cultural contexts† (Lake and Jones, 2012, p. 164; Hedges, 2008, p. 10). Based on the childrens’ experiences with their environment, the pre-school students can effectively learn how to solve problems and improve thier social skills (Can-Yasar et al., 2012). Aside from making children perceive